First siddha called Thirumoolar of Chidamparam or (Thillai)
First siddha mentioned was Thirumoolar, lovingly called by the other siddhas as “parttar” meaning grand father. Thillai means CHIDAMPARAM. This temple is consecrated under the auspices of Thirumoolar with a kopuram having 21600 golden tiles, to show a man breaths in and out 21600 times per day. 72000 nails, were used to show, if one breathe 21600 breaths per day then his 72000 nadis will be purified. There are millions of nadis but the major ones are 72000. Yogini Avaiar and Bhogar (palanimalai bhoganathar) also conforms this as 72000.
Second siddar is called Ramadevar or Jacob
or Jacobu
Second siddar is caled Ramadevar alias Jacobu or Jacob. associated with Alagarmalai or palamuthir cholai. He attained the final state in yoga called soruba samadhi ye practising mantra sadhana, means rolling the mantras in a rudraksha bead. Like guru nanak.
A famous song by Ramadevar:
Third Siddar is called Kumba-Muni or Agasthiar, attained Soruba Samadhi in Thiruvanantha Puram (Anantha Sayanam), in Kerala, South India
Agathiyar with Lobamudrai (his sadhana shakthi). Agathiyar lived with Lobamudrai as a house holder Yogi ( 14,058 B.C) . This Agathiyar was a great friend of the Aryans who came into India probably during this period. Sage Agathiyar has glorified deities in the great Rig Veda. Agathiyar was not only a master Of Tamil language (also known as the father of Tamil language) but also Sanskrit, the language of the Aryans. He has glorified 11 deities and these slokas are found in the Rig Veda. (Canto 1, Chapter 23 slokas 161 to 191).
Forth siddha is called Konkanavar, attained soruba samadhi in Thiruppathi India
Fifth Siddha is called Kamalamuni, attained soruba samadhi in Thiruvaroor
Sixth Siddha is called Sattai Muni attained soruba samadhi in Sri-Ranagam (Sothi-Arangam)
Seventh Siddha is called Karuvoorar, attained soruba samadhi in Karuvai (Thanjavoor)
Eighth Siddha is called Sundarananthar attained soruba samadhi in Madurai (Koodal)
Ninenth Siddha is called Vanmeeki attained soruba samadhi in Ettukkudi
Tamil siddar Vanmeeki wrote Ramayana in North Indian language, attained soruba samadhi in Ettukkudi in South India. Vanmeeki’s Tamil works are available from Yogi Ram Sunthar’s 18-siddar kanda yogam
Tenth Siddha is called Nandhi-Devar attained soruba samadhi in Kasi (varanasi), Benaris
Eleventh Siddha is called Pampatti attained soruba samadhi in Hari-Sankaran Koil
Twelth Siddha is called Bhogar (Bhoganathar) attained soruba samadhi in Palani
Bhoga-Nathar belongs to the group of Nath sadus or holy sages. Sivanath, Kalangi Nath, Macchindra Nath etc..etc.. Their names end with Nath. Boganathar also one of the Tamil 18-siddas. Boganathar is the direct disciple of Kalangi Nath. Kalangi Nath is associated with South India and later migrated and lived in China and spread the knowledge of yoga to the Chinese people.
Boganathar installed a Thandayutha pani idle made of nine herbs (nava-pasanam) at the famous place “Palani” in South India. Thousands of pilgrims visit Palani andavar (Murugan) every year to receive Blessings. Milk abisekam is done to the idle here, so the milk will desolve a minute amount of these nine-herbs and when people took this as prasadam it had healing effect. (like homeopathy-medicine). There is also a shrine dedicated to Bogar next to this Palani andavar temple, where thousands of people pay homage.
A Yantra associated with Bogar, installed in Palani, south India, Siddha Boganathar is credited with inscribing a mystical Yantra geometric design (see picture), etched into a metallic plate and installed it at the sanctum sanatorium of Palani.
A similar Yantra also installed by Bogar at Kathir-kamam Pertaining to the present cycle of the four yuga, namely Satya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali, confirms Bhogar’s association with Kathirkamam in Srilanka. Kathir Kamam is referred to as the 7th most important shrine of lord Murugan as Kumaraswamy. (Kumaraswamy means eternally youthful Lord Muruga). Other six shrines dedicated to lord Murugan are in South India. Thiruththani, Swamimalai, Alagarmalai, Thirupparamkuntram, Palani, and Thiruchchndur. Famously known as “Aarupadai-veedugal”. Six houses of Lord Muruga.
Boganathar belongs to the group of Nath sadus or holy sages. Sivanath, Kalangi Nath, Macchindra Nath, Kalangi-Nath, etc..etc.. Their names end with Nath. Boganathar also one of the Tamil 18-siddas. Boganathar is the direct disciples of Kalangi Nath. Kalangi Nath (a direct disciple of Siddhar Thirumoolar) is associated with Kanja malai in South India and later migrated and lived in China and spread the knowledge of yoga and Varma-Kalai (acupuncture) to the Chinese people.
Kalangi Nathar decided to go into Samadhi for a very long time (about 5000-years), and called Bogar to come to China to continue with his mission. Bogar visited China about 500 BC and continued his guru kalangi nath’s mission in China. People in China didn’t follow him as much as he had liked, because of his skin colour and limitations of the Language.
To overcome these limitations, Bhogar transmigrated his vital body into the physical body of a dead Chinese man and known thereafter by the name of “Bo-Yang”. After entering into this Chinese body Bogar had to cure all illness of this body. Bogar used herbal medicine (Siddha-medicine) and used many herbs to heal this Chinese body of many diseases and made it a perfect one. Bhogar used Kaya-Kalpa. Kayam means physical body, and kalpam means to make it strong.
Later Bogar was known by the name of “Bo-Yang Lao-Tzu”, and became the founder of the great world- renowned philosophy of Taoism (“Than-“Om”) and preaching it in China for about 200 years.
His favourite disciple was Pulippani, a china man. Once there was no rain in Palani (South-India) and the famous Thamara-Parani (means rich in copper) river dried up. A bad drought in Palani. People of Palani started to create many Yagam (fire ceremony) to bring back Bogar to Palani. these yagams were dedicated to Bogar……………..As told by yogi Ramaiah, my guru and direct disciple of Babaji.
13th siddha is called Macha-Muni, belons to the nath tradition (Machendranath),
attained soruba samadhi in Thirupparam-Kuntram
14th siddha is called Patanjali, attained soruba samadhi in Rameswaram, South India
Patanjali’s Tamil works are available from Yogi Ram Sunthar’s 18-siddar kanda yogam.
Patanjali wrote the yoga sutras in north Indian Language.
15th siddha is called Danvantri, attained soruba samadhi in Vaitheeswaran Koil, South India.
Danvantri is also known as an Incarnation of lord Krishna. During Kumbamela time, Danvantri appears to save the amirtha (nectar) from the asuras and to save the devas. Danvantri is known as doctor of medicine amoung the siddha circles. Lord shiva is known as Vaitheeswarn (doctorof medicine), in vaitheeswaran koil. Here underneath a neem tree (famous for lord shiva, also caled Sivanar-Vembu), Lord shiva taught the sience of siddha medicine to Danvantri.
16th siddha is called Gorakkar, (Goraknath,belongs to the nath sadus)
attained soruba samadhi in poyoor (keernar malai) in Gujarat, North India
Goraknath followers are well known as the Ahoorees.
The most fearsome yogis of India. They follow a very rigid
training and tradition, which is very hard
for the mordern man to follow.
17th siddha is called Kudambai, attained soruba samadhi in Mayavaram or Mayil-aadu-durai
Mayavaram in Tamil means, a place for deathless boon. As this lady attained Immortality or soruba samadhi here. Mayavaram is also known as Mayil-aadu-durai meaning, a place where the peacock dance in ecstasy. Peacock is a symbol of Lord muruga. Here by the grace of Lord Muruga kudambai attained Immortality. She is depicted as a male siddha, but people who are well versed in her songs will undoubtadly know that she is not a male.
18th siddha is called Idaikkadar, attained soruba samadhi in Thiruvannamalai or Thiruvarunaiyoor:
Idaikkadar, a shephered siddha attained soruba samadhi here. This place is well known for Arunaigiri-Nathar, Ramana-maharishi and Yogi Ram Surat Kumar (visiri-swami). According to purana stories: In this place Yogi shiva appeared as a big tree. Brama and vishnu tried to search for the top and bottom of this tree and failed.
Ramalinga Swami or Vadaloor Vallalar:
Ramalinga Swami (Vadaloor Vallalar) attained Immortality(soruba-samadhi) like Babaji, But unlike Babaji did not keep his physical body
Nagaluxmi Devi ( Annai) :
Attained soruba-samadhi (immortality) like Babji. Still living in Kasi (Varanasi) in an underground cave. Babaji’s sadhana shakthi, Babaji’s mother’s brother’s daughter, maternal uncle’s daughter can be accepted as shakthis not mother’s sister’s daughters. Similarly father’s sister’s daughters can become a shakthi not father’s brother’s daughters. This South Indian tradition exists even today………….Yogi Ram Sunthar
Navapashanam is a gift to us from the Powerful Siddhas of Tamilnadu, India. Kaavidesam provides has been gifted a Navapashanam products likes, Water, Mala, Ring, Bead and is a Siddha Medicine Ambassador.Nava Pasanam