Yogi Shiva Initiating Parvathi-Devi (His Yoga Shakthi) into Kriya Kundalini Pranayam at Amaranth, Kashmir Himalayas. The birth of Kundalini Pranayam and kriya Siva yoga Siddhantham. Ancient Great Tamil Nadu included the Kashmir Himalayas. ……….This picture is from Babaji’s Man, Life, Death and After By my Guru Yogi SAA Ramaiah & VTN…last page.
Since pre-Cretaceous times there was the lost great continent of Kumari Kandam (Cormorin Continent) consisting of Peninsular India (Tamil Nadu), South Africa, South America, Australia, Sri Lanka etc. Tamil Nadu of Peninsular India has always been in the same position right through these Geologic ages and other continents drifted away. The land mass from the north moved towards Peninsular India and the huge masses and strata of alluvium from the Vindhya Mountains of ancient Tamil Nadu were crushed and thrown into the famous tectonic lofty Mountain Range of the Himalayas which is called Himaya Parvatham in ancient Tamil literature.
Here in a lofty cave which is big enough to accommodate St. Peter’s Cathedral — Yogi Shiva taught Kundalini Pranamaya to His Shakti, Uma Devi. This is the begining of Siva-Yoga-Siddantham. A crow listened to this Kriya yoga initiation and became immortal as the famous Crow-Siddha, Kakkapushendeswar. A fish listened to this great initiation and became Macchindra Nath (Maccha Muni), the fish Siddha who is one of the nine Nath Sadhus to develop the Fish Pose. That is the age of Tamil Yoga Saiva Siddhantam is millions of years! Modern scientific research work is heading towards it.
In the year 203 A. D, a boy called Nagarajan was born in what is now the seaport town of Porto Novo (Parangippertai) near Chidamparam on the eastern coast of India. At the age of six he was kidnapped by a slave trader and taken to Dacca. He was later released and migrated to Benares where at the age of fifteen he became a renowned Sanskrit scholar.
Discontent with his early success and destined for a greater end, he sailed by boat to the powerful shrine of Kathir-kamam on the southern coast of Sri Lanka. For 18 months he plunged into meditation and analyzed the different philosophical systems threadbare. Here in Kathir-Kamam he was fortunate to meet one of the 18-siddas called Boganathar or Bhogar. Drawing inspiration from this great Siddha of Science, Boganathar, he was able to appreciate and understand the full significance of Siddhantha,Yoga and Samadhi and he accepted the challenge of attaining (Soruba-Samadhi or immortality)
As directed by Bhogar and following the inner call, he wandered throughout South India and was initiated into the mysteries of Kundalini Yoga by the great Tamil Siddha, Agastyar Maharishi at Courtrallam. As directed by sage Agathiyar he retired to a lonely Himalayan cave, at Badrinath, and remained absorbed in intensive Yogic sadhana for years at a stretch, finally to emerge LAUGHING AT THE LIMITATIONS OF DEATH (sorupa-samadhi). ”soruba samathikku adayalam ethu entrakkal chudar polak kanumeda thula thekam”…siddas
The immortal Babaji made his own contributions to the nucleus given him by Sage Agastyar, renamed it “Kriya yoga” and has retained his form through the centuries tapping many, speaking to a few and materializing to give darshan to his saintly chosen. For centuries he worked behind the scenes as the source of inspiration and guidance to past – Kriya Masters like Adi- Shankara, Kabir Das, Lahiri Mahasaya, and many others. Thus He is the climax of the Eighteen Tamil Yoga Siddhas tradition, which includes Thirumular, Ramadevar, Kumbamuni, Konkanavar, Sattamuni, Karoovurar Sundaranandar, Valmiki, Nandidevar, Paambati, Boganathar, Macchamuni, Patanjali, Dhanvanthri, Goraknath, Kudambai and Idaikadar. (see pictures in the home page from top left clockwise).
- Hatha Yoga (Asanas or Physical exercises) to develop the physical body or Annamaya Uruvam or Khosham
- Pranayama Yoga (Pranayam or Vaasi or Breathing techniques) to develop the vital body or the Pranamaya Uruvam
- Dhyana Yoga (Meditation or Dhyanam) to develop the mental body or the Manonmaya Uruvam
- Mantra Yogam (repeating Sacred Mantras mentally) to develop the intelectual body or the Buddhimaya Uruvam
- BakthiYogam (Prayers, Bhajan, Chanting and singing) to develop the Spiritual body or the Karana Maya Uruvam
Master Babaji remained in the background and played his part in the salvation of suffering humanity by initiating great souls like Kabir Das in the 15th century and Acharya Sankara in the 19th century.
Then he came more to the forefront by initiating his favorite disciple, Lahiri Mahasaya, in the 19th century in the Drongiri Mountain, Himalayas and entrusting him with the task of spreading the soul-saving Gospel of Kriya yoga as a householder-saint.
After this, one of Lahiri mahasaya’s disciples, Sri Swami Yukteswar, who had met the Kriya Mulaguru thrice in flesh and blood, kept the torch of Kriya yoga burning with an English publication “The Holy Science” and a number of Sadhu Sabah centers.
Yukteswarji passed on the mantle to the fore-ordained disciple, Paramahamsa Yogananda Giri, who carried the message to America and established about 90 branches all over the world.
Yogi Ram Sunthar: After yogi Ramaiah’s Maha-Samadhi in 2006 Yogi Ram Sunthar, his direct disciple for over 24 yrs, is continuing to spread, with Babaji’s grace the Science of Kriya Yoga all over the world.
Melanie is a direct disciple of yogi SAA Ramaiah (yogiar). She Lived in India for over 8-years and in Sri-Lanka for over 4- years and practised Babaji’s kriya yoga under the guidance of Yogiar. She travelled with yogiar to Australia, Malaysia and Sri-Lanka many times. She was first initiated into Babaji’s kriya Kundalini yoga by Yogi SAA Ramaiah in 1979 in the UK. After graduating from University of North London (BA..(Hons), Philosophy), she completed her post graduate diploma PGCE at the university of London (Whiteland’s College).
Yogi Ram Sunthar in -1999
Yogi Ram Sunthar in deep Meditation in the middle of Thiruvannamalai Jungle, South India 2008.
Yogi SAA Ramaiah’s family and Yogi Ram Sunthar’s family (London-UK)
Yogi Goutama, the “Buddha”
Here under the shade of the ‘Pipal’ tree, that Gautama sat in meditation. He had said, ‘Though my skin, my nerves and my bones waste away and though my life blood be dried up, yet I will not leave this seat before I have attained unto perfect knowledge.
Price Goutama practised yoga, mastered his Intelectual body (Buddi-Maya-Uruvam) and became Buddha. People aspiring to meet Babaji in this life should practise Babaji’s Kriya Yoga like Yogi Goutama, the “Buddha”.
KRIYA YOGA a form of Raja Yoga, is the same science that the great LORD SHIVA gave millenniums ago to his Shakthi PARVATHI DEVI at Amarnath, in Kashmir. Very slowly but steadily the world is taking to SCIENTIFIC MYSTICISM or KRIYA YOGA.
The goal of kriya yoga or vaasiyoga is Soruba Samadhi.
KRIYA YOGA is a series of scientific practical technique which assists the practitioners to realize his potential and to tap the latent sources of inspiration and higher states of consciousness. Regular and sincere practice of KRIYA YOGA brings about an increasingly wider perspective of self realization. Unconditionally surrender to Kriya Babaji, Develop immortal love like Babaji. Practise Kriya Kundalini Pranayam, dhyanam and asanas like Sarvangasanam to be eternally young like Kumaraswamy (Muruga) and his avatar Kriya Babaji.
The last phase and climax of the sadhana is Sathguru Dheeksha (initiation and blessing by the Sathguru). A Guru (master) is one who has realized God and can dispel the darkness of ignorance. He can show the path to God whereas a Sathguru like KRIYA BABAJI of the Himalayas can actually show God to a fit disciple with a touch, glance, or mere wish. In the final stages the Kriya sadhak may reach the goal with one leap after receiving Sathguru Dheeksha.
The scientific art and practice of the five fold path of KRIYA YOGA includes the daily practices of
1. Hatha Yoga ( Scientific Yogic Physical exercises)
2. Kundalini Pranayama ( scientific art of Yogic Breathing)
3. Dhyana Yoga ( meditation)
4. Mantra Yoga ( chanting Moola and Beeja Mantras)
5. Bakthi Yoga ( practice of devotion and bhajans)
KRIYA YOGA practitioners are trained in Yogic Dietary practice and Siddha medicine; and in the study of the Holy Scriptures of the 18 great Siddhas. Kriya Yoga practitioners practise inter – religious harmony, world peace and environmental protection, and are expected to perform Karma Yoga, including 8 hours of daily productive work / studies.
Kriya Kundalini pranayam & dhyanam classes are held all over the world by Yogi Ram Sunthar. For further details visit www.vaasiyogam.com www.vaasiyogam.org, for the next Initiation (deekshai) details.
E-mail: yogiramsunthar@yahoo.com
London (UK): 0208 2413266 Mob: 0786 0946216
Universal Kriya Babaji Yoga Sangam (UKBYS)
Universal Kriya Babaji Yoga Sangam, appeals to sympathizers of this divine work to lend its support; financial, manual, and moral, in helping us make this dream of Kriya Babaji a physical reality. Such self-sacrifice ensures that the Light of yoga will burn forever.
May Kriya Babaji lead us all to Soruba Samadhi through the five- fold path of Siva Yoga Siddhantham.
Om Kriya Babaji Nama Aum
nice post ..thanks for sharing....
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